Detox Resources

Life Botanica Life Extension Recipes

The saying goes “You are what you eat.” So let’s start with the food planning that will begin helping you to change your habits. Our body’s renewal cycle is a 21 day repair and renewal process. We believe there is no such thing as a colon cleanses, kidney cleanses and repair liver cleanse in just a 5, 7 or 10 day cleansing period. To truly achieve a lifestyle change and avoid constipation, colon cleanses, colon Detox, we recommend LifeBotanica Detox Complete.

Healthy Oatmeal

Fresh Fruit Salad

Cinnamon Apple Granola

Roasted Root Vegatables

Spicey Black Bean Burger

Wild Rice Stuffed Acorn Squash

Pasta Fazole

Veggie Curry Burger

Vegetarian Chili

Carrot Sweet Potato Bisque

Sesame Grapefruit Salad

Mustard Greens in Coconut Milk

Minestrone Soup

Fresh Salsa

Fresh Guacamole

Herbal Detox Tea

Juicing Recipes
